1987: when the day comes terjemahan Cina
- the day when i was born: 我出生的那一天
- 1987: 1987年
- when in rome: 罗马不思议
- when marnie was there: 回忆中的玛妮
- annabelle comes home: 安娜贝尔回家囉
- here comes love: 爱情来了 (电视剧)
- here comes mr. oh: 吳子龙走吧
- here comes the boom: 好景在望
- if tomorrow comes (serial tv): 如果明日来临
- if tomorrow comes (siri tv): 如果明日来临
- monk comes down the mountain: 道士下山
- day day up: 天天向上
- slippery when wet: 难以捉摸
- tomorrow, when the war began: 破晓开战
- when a dog loves a cat: [当带]狗爱上貓